Saturday, July 25, 2015

I Am...His heart beating

It starts as a slow dance.
I have no reason to dance;
Nothing on my heart to express.
Nothing on my heart to pray for.
No reason to dance;
Other than I simply want to.
I simply tell Him I want to;
To meet me there.
As hands sweep from high to low;
Left to right;
Colors fly around the room;
Animated steamers.
I put them there.
I brought them.
My imagination;
My authority.
He watches.
Captivated by my joy in Him.
I don't know what it means.
It doesn't so much matter.
I simply crave Him.
My hunger drew me.
I ate of the feast always before me.

That familiar song comes on. 
That one I'm not so sure I fully agree with;
But the one my spirit just can't seem get enough of.
Still dancing.
He looks me directly in the eye.
His feet fall in step with mine.
Left foot.
Bump. Bump.
Right foot.
Bump. Bump.
Left foot. 
Bump. Bump.
Right foot.
Bump. Bump.
Bump. Bump.
Bump. Bump.
Bump. Bump.
Bump. Bump.
Eyes never disengaged.
Bump. Bump.
Bump. Bump.

He begins to give different sight to the familiar words.
"My heart beating.
My soul breathing.
I found My life;
When I laid it down.
Upward falling.
Spirit soaring.
I touched the sky;
When My knees hit the ground."
What we so often sang over Him He began to sing over us.
"My heart beating."
[you, son, are My heart beating]
"My soul breathing."
[you, son, are My soul breathing]
"I found My life when I laid it down."
[i found My life being made more full and complete in you, my son, when I laid    My life down on the cross in Jesus]
"Upward falling. Spirit soaring. I touched the sky when My knees hit the ground."
[i was made free in you, my son, when I came to the earth through My Son Jesus.]

Proud Daddy.
Eyes still fully engaged.
Tears streaming down His face.
Grinning from ear to ear.
Feet still fully in step with the dance.
Fully in step with the dancer.
Bump. Bump.
Bump. Bump.
He keeps singing.
My heart beating.
My soul breathing.
My heart beating.
My soul breathing.

We are His heart beating...

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Let this usher in what we know is to be among us.

I. Am. Yours. 
Health is in me.
Health is my inheritance.
Father, may You be glorified 
--in me.
--in this.
May I come through with renewed perspective and understanding of You in me. 
Of Health in me.
Let nothing be wasted.
All of You Father. 
I want all of You.
Build Yourself even bigger in me.
Fix my eyes on You.
Let nothing stand in the way of my effectiveness and advancing of Your kingdom.
You are known in me.
Give me energy and renew Health for me to vibrantly give of You in me.
Give me a miracle to usher in the miracles that should be following us as we walk. 
Let this usher in what we know is to be among us. 
Let us not go any longer sitting and waiting for what we know is ours.
It is time to expand.
It is time to stand up.
It is time to walk.
Let nothing stand in our way.
It is time for us to make room for these big things of You that we do not yet constantly experience. 
Let our understanding of what is normal now shift.
Let our sight now shift.
New normal.
Let our faith increase. 
Let our trust increase. 
May we not grow weary.
Spirits lifted. 
We are Yours.
Health will be known in fullness. 
May we not settle for less than whole.