Thursday, May 28, 2015

He is...Rest

You have no idea what true Rest is.
You think it's a break from work;
A time to do nothing;
A time to sit;
A break from the busyness;
A break from the stress;
From the constant go.
Only soon to discover--
You're bored.
There's not enough to do.
What do you do when there's nothing to do?
All the sudden--
An intentional decision "to rest" 
Leads to just a different form of unrest.
Your soul--
Left, again, unsatisfied.
So is Rest found in your doing?
So is Rest found in your not doing?
You sit and do nothing with Rest.
You work your 80 hour week with Rest.
You've done this before.
And I patiently wait for you to awaken to Me here.
I know you will.
You can only chase after fulfillment elsewhere for so long;
Until you realize it's in Me.
It's always in Me.
You'll be back.
You're hungry.
You're thirsty.
Come to the Waters.
Come. Buy. Eat.
You know better than to spend money on what is not Bread.
You know better than to labor on what does not satisfy.
Do you hear that?
Do you hear Me?
Listen to Me.
Eat what is good.
And your soul will delight. 
Your soul will delight in the richest of fare.

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