I asked the Lord to show me my heart.
So He took my hand and began to lead me down the hallway of the house of my heart.
And as we are walking, I notice that all of the rooms are empty.
And I immediately start feeling...ashamed? Guilty? Disappointed?
Why were all the rooms empty?
Why is there nothing in here?
What had I done wrong?
And the Lord keeps leading me.
With a spring in His step.
He loudly and excitedly says, "Look at ALL this SPACE! I've got SO much room!"
He keeps saying this as we pass empty room after empty room.
We enter a room and before He flips the light switch, I expect to find something in this room.
And He says again, "Look at ALL this SPACE! I've got SO much space!"
"Look how BIG this space is!"
I continue following.
Trying to understand.
Trying to see what He's seeing.
And all along, I feel as though there has got to be a room somewhere with something in it.
Wondering, when we get to the far back depths of the house, what we'd find there.
He had just recently shown me someone else's heart.
The most amazing room in them was way in the back.
I knew something was far back in mine.
The Lord spoke to my spirit.
There was a room.
Did I want to see it?
I did.
But I was held back.
Almost not wanting to look.
I knew it was good.
But would I trust what I would see?
I didn't look that day.
That day, I just trusted the Lord's excitement about my abundance of empty space.
Not understanding it.
But knowing that it must be good.
The next day He took me into the house of my heart again.
He took me through the empty rooms like the day before.
And I longed to see the room in the back.
We were further back than the day before; the Lord still flipping light switches and revealing empty rooms.
And my eye caught the end of the hall.
A single door at the very end.
A solid gold door.
The Lord noticed my distraction from the empty rooms.
He shifted.
He was still excited. But.. it was a more gentle, restful, savory, inwardly full and satisfied kind of excitement.
"That room is SO valuable," He said softly.
"That's my inner sanctuary."
"Do you want to go inside?" He asked.
I wanted to, but I was overwhelmed.
The. Door. Was. GOLD.
Solid. Gold.
Nothing was going to get through that door.
Nothing was going to destroy that space with this door.
That space was safe.
"Do you want to go inside?" He asked.
"Yes," I said.
I grabbed the doorknob.
It was gold too.
The door opened and the lights were off.
Another moment of doubt came upon me.
Would I trust what I saw?
I almost turned around.
He flipped the light switch.
And I saw a trampoline.
I chuckled to myself.
There would be a trampoline in this room.
I began to look around some more.
And there was candy EVERYwhere.
It basically looked like a carnival.
And I immediately said, "is there an ice-cream stand?"
(I love me some ice-cream).
And then His exuberant excitement like before rose up in Him again.
"YES!" "It's over here!"
And He took me over to the stand, "There is EVERY flavor. EVERY flavor."
And then He noted, "EVEN those flavors you knew should exist but never have before. SEE-- Dark Chocolate Oreo!" "It's all here! EVERY flavor!"
Not long after this, He grabbed the ice-cream stand and started running out the back room and down the hall. Shouting to me, "Let's go handout ice-cream!"
I was a bit hesitant.
This room was nice.
Full of ice-cream.
I didn't really want to leave.
But I followed.
And the Lord went the whole way out to the door of my heart, at the front of my chest.
And He swung the door opened and screamed, "FREE ICE-CREAM!"
People began to come to get icecream.
And they came right into my heart and sat in the empty rooms (at tables that weren't previously there) and started eating.
And everyone was satisfied.
Everyone had a different flavor.
And I asked the Lord, "What if we run out?"
"Oh NO --we won't run out!" He said, "There is PLENTY more in the back!"
I think I was empty for two reasons:
1. So that He could be the only thing in those rooms. Lots of space for Him alone.
2. So that I could bring others into those rooms with He and I. And bring them in with my "ice-cream."
I am full of Him and ice-cream.
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