Friday, June 26, 2015

It does not change our love.
It does not change our love.
A law does not change our love.

A law does not change how the kingdom advances.
Jesus, though he fulfilled the law;
His heart was not moved or influenced by its statements. 
He let it remain. 
He did not fight the law itself. 
He Loved.
He fought for hearts. 
He fought to woo hearts. 
Let us make sure our focus is as His was. 
The law is not our enemy.
Regardless of what it becomes. 
We continue to seek to influence hearts. 
We continue to seek to reveal the original design inside all.

Some may shift every so slightly from who they were originally designed to be; 
a shift from fullness. 
Some knowingly. 
Some not. 
Grace, Father. 
We will continue to be with you. 
And we will be here. 
Ready and prepared with room for you;
should you realize fullness is not as you thought.
You already occupy our hearts.  
Our position with you remains unchanged. --We love you. 
We hope and believe that eyes will be opened to the fullness inside of you. 
Your eyes.
And also the eyes of those who heartbreakingly condemn you.
May they see your fullness too.
It is so good. 
You are so good. 
I am not worried.
I am not frustrated. 
I am not mad. 
I simply want to sit at Home with you and eat a full meal, together.

May we simply be reminded to continue to call the original identities up and out of all our beautiful and treasured family near and far.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Love is...

Love is honest.
Love is hard.
Love is iron;
Sharpens the dull.

Love it strips bare;
All the layers on the heart.
Love pours on wounds;
And stings to heal; restore all parts.

It doesn't pity.
Doesn't agree; 
Just to avoid spark.
--between you and me.

It doesn't settle;
Raises the bar.
Firm and unmoving;
With excellence its mark.

It gets in your face;
And tells you who you are.

Love has bruises.
Love has scars.
Cause Love is trusting.
Risking all of Love's heart.

Love has bruises.
Love has scars.
But Love doesn't see them:
Cause for Love it's worth it all.

Love. Love. Love.
Love is patient---
Love is kind.
Love won't force you.
Love knows your worth time.
Love is faithful.
Love it sees and it believes.
You are Love and Love He is in me.

Love has bruises.
Love has scars.
But Love doesn't see them.
Cause for Love it's worth it all.

Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love won't force you.
Love lets you come in your own time.
Cause you're worth it.
You're worth it.
You're worth it.

Love is patient.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Extreme-me. Extreme-you.

There are times when we dwell in a place that we know is not us.
And there are times when we reawaken to who we know we are;
Come alive again to ourselves.
And sometimes in those moments;
We become so alive to ourselves that we are extremes of ourselves.
It’s in the extremes that we can often walk away overly aware of how extreme-us missed the mark.
If not careful;
We will look at our having missed the mark and
We will declare ourselves as all of the negative:
That paining after-the-fact thought, "What. Was. I. Thinking?"

Those moments when we did everything we thought to be right.
But leave feeling like we got it all wrong.
Feeling not good enough;
Because it was not for lack of trying.
Maybe we should cut off this extreme.
Be different.
Be more of something else.

And Father whispers:
Pay attention to how you are seeing.
See with your heart.
Because what I see—
It is beautiful.
I see a good and beautiful heart.

This negative you are seeing is simply your unawareness of need for others to balance you.
Be extreme-you.
And be extreme-you in the presence and awareness of your brothers and sisters who balance.
In your extreme-you, connect and love and be vulnerable and get close;
And let your brother and sister extreme-them assess with wisdom and discernment the moment to shift where shift is needed.
You don’t need to be different.
You don’t need to be more of something else.
You need to be extreme-you;
Extreme-you who is ever aware of the need of your extreme-brother and extreme-sister.

We must shift in each other's balance.
Trusting both each other and ourselves to harmonize in extremes. 
We can’t keep seeing each other’s extremes as something to be shaved off.
We can’t keep seeing each other’s extremes as offensive to our extremes.
We must learn how to operate with them together.

When the Lord tells me He trusts my heart;
He is really saying He trusts OUR heart.
Because in unity with my brothers and sisters, any gaps in my heart—
Are filled.
Because in unity with my brothers and sisters, any areas in me that are still maturing—
Are filled.
--If I let them be filled.
--If I let you balance me.
--If I let myself learn how to operate as extreme-me in the presence of all extreme-you.