I think they were meant to take care of a natural need so that we could move on to focus on higher things;
on bigger things.
They were meant to provide, as needed, while we are expanding.
So we can expand.
are easy.
Jesus didn't have to do much of anything and sometimes
literally nothing and they just happened.
Have faith and let them happen
so we can tackle the bigger things of the kingdom.
Just like the disciples He must train us into this.
He must train us into miracles being the norm.
Being easy.
And sometimes as we are learning we may hear Him encourage us forward,
"Oh you of little faith."
And we will be reminded that we need not worry about the natural things.
For He provides.
Naturally and miraculously.
However needed.
We can and must move on and beyond.
We must expand.
There is so much more land to occupy.
Why do you worry?
About what you will wear;
what you will eat;
what you will drink.
Oh you of little faith.
Your Father is with you.
Peter sees Jesus on the water.
Steps out of the boat.
Walks on the water.
Then begins to sink.
Oh you of little faith.
Your Father is with you.
Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Oh crap, does that mean we should have brought bread with us?
Oh you of little faith.
Did I not just miraculously feed the 5 thousand?
Did I not just miraculously feed the 4 thousand?
And you are still worried about not having brought bread with you?
Oh you of little faith.
Your Father is with you.
Is your faith for the provision of these natural things not yet solidified in Him?
Rather, concern yourselves with advancement of the kingdom.
With guarding against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Jesus, my child has a demon.
Your disciples could not cast it out.
Oh unbelieving and perverse generation.
How long shall I stay with you?
Oh you of little faith.
With even the faith of a mustard seed,
you could tell this mountain to move.
And it would move.
These things are simple, my disciples.
You must learn them.
These things can no longer stand in the way.
We have bigger things to do.
Places to go.
Land to occupy.
We do not move the mountain for an awe factor among believers.
We move it because it's in the way.
The awe factor is in the work done after the mountain has been moved.
So yes;
Have faith.
Move mountains.
Heal the sick.
Walk on water.
Feed thousands with a few loaves and fish.
And then dive deeper into the kingdom.
Advance the kingdom.
Woo hearts with My heart.
Love with My Love.
Here are the miracles I long to be among you.
Here are the miracles I long for you to see; to be.